Tag Archives: Roos Schuring

Grow Your Art Business – Shop Critiques

I am thrilled that my Etsy shop is included in Roos Schuring’s latest installment of “Grow Your Art Business” , her free workshop about online marketing for artists. Roos Schuring ,  a self-representing plein aire artist from the Netherlands  generously shares tips and techniques learned  while creating her own very successful online presence in this  workshop – no strings attached. Check it out and thank-you Roos!

Roos Schuring New paintings- Seascapes and landscapes plein air: Painting in California 7 “Visualising scenic beauty” and philosophizing

A timely post by Roos Schuring. I have been trying my hand at painting en plein air recently. It’s outside my comfort zone and I have thrown up every roadblock my ego can muster. One of them is finding the “right” scene or composition – Roos’ post hit the nail on the head-I’ve been looking for the right scene  The one that will appeal to buyers or that my artist peers would approve of. This is a limitation I set for myself when trying something new or when I’m full of fear and self-doubt. It is the limitation that kills the urge to create and produces very dull art-that is if I can manage to paint!

I have learned over the years to work anyway. It’s a struggle – the ego is a tricky #*X!!?**@ and can certainly slow things down. However, I have experienced the pure joy of tapping into the creative flow – where I am responding to the subject – time stands still and I am not struggling but allowing the painting to flow through me uninhibited. It’s a Zen moment – very spiritual  and the work produced while in this state always resonates with that energy. Painting for me is about translating that experience to the canvas – it  really doesn’t matter what the subject is. And this is why I keep trying.

Roos Schuring New paintings- Seascapes and landscapes plein air: Painting in California 7 “Visualising scenic beauty” and philosophizing.