Tag Archives: perception

Figure In Place Session 2

Ive been enjoying the Figure in Place Workshop with Nicholas Mancini. Of course, every perceived weakness in my painting practice glare at me – value, color,edges, shaky figurative skills – yep that about covers it! From the small value studies that Nicholas encourages us to begin our sessions with to the color study. The thing I strive for is to work past my insecurities and get lost in the act of painting – that place where I rely on instinct and past painting experience to guide me while trying to stay open to learning and improving my work.

9x12 Color Study

9×12 Color Study

5x7 charcoal value study

5×7 Charcoal Value Study


Interview with Sydney Licht : Painting Perceptions.


This interview from the Painting Perceptions blog hung on my studio wall for several weeks because Ms Licht’s color sense and representational style inspired me. So, I was delighted when I found it again this morning while browsing the web. The small format paintings are beautiful in their simplicity yet lend a certain strength to humble subject-matter.